original picI'm originally from Nigeria, but grew up here in GEORGIA since the
age of 2 or 3. I grew up in the small southern town of FORT VALLEY,
Georgia....... PEACH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF '1984....

I first attended "IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY" in Ames, Iowa [1984-1987] as an
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science major. Later when my father refused to fund my
continued education any further. I dropped out and moved to the Maryland,
Washington D.C., Virginia area where I worked to pay off an a student loan
which I had taken out from "Iowa State University" to continue my education
In the process of working, I burned myself out physically and down to a
pulp where I couldn't even function from day to day. I was later diagnosed
with depression and schizophrenia for which I have been taking medication
ever since until today. As the saying goes, a man's got to know his
limitations and I had to learn that the hard way unfortunately but life goes on.

   In 1989 I moved back to Georgia, and after paying off my initial
student loan, transferred to "SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY"car pic 1

in Marietta, Georgia... (now KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY)... where I pursued a degree in "Computer Science" and "Electrical Engineering"....

   I dropped out in 1997 and later transferred to "DEVRY UNIVERSITY " in Decatur, Georgia
in 2006 where I completed a degree in "Computer Science" and "Technical Management" in 2007.

I am currently on Social Security Disability - on and off - since 1990 to current.

.....I am both Multi-lingual and Multi-talented....
58 years old, black male, 5'11", about 200 lbs, salt and pepper hair with strands of
white/gray here and there, a self-described Computer Techie.
I am Slim build and can still pass for a High School student sometimes, and yes I do get "CARDED".

E M P L O Y M E N T    H I S T O R Y        

                                                                         Computer Programmer, Computer Operator, PC Technician, car image 2
Laser Printer Tech, Electronic Technician, Telecom Technician, Network Technician.

Voip telephony tech, Point of sale equipment tech
My resume is available in a separate part of my webpage as well as occupational
info, and other information about myself.


I like New Age stuff, Reiki, movies, Mp3's, Sy-Fy, gadgets, electronics,
exotic cars, sports cars, and in my spare time, and as a hobby, I build, repair,
and upgrade computers and laptops - as well as tinkering with various types of
Electronic Gadgets here and there, network projects and some home improvement.


For those of you wondering about my personal life, i'm mostly interested in a Woman - White, foreign...Asian, indian, korean, etc...

female….. Older mature granny bbw…., or sugar mamma….. who can tolerate or put up with me i guess...

iso a older mature granny bbw or sugar mama, a swinger maybe, would be just perfect I guess since I don’t mind being wined and dined

and of course would be able to take care of me and support me since I’m just a single poor foreign guy….

No one will ever ever look for me or bother looking especially since I like them Old, Aged , Bbw, Sbbw, Unwanted, Blacklisted, Taboo, and Different….

I do prefer both missionary and doggy style - with doggy style you hit and feel everything unless you don’t want to feel me ?? Yes I really did have something down there believe it or not…the whole time…. Or did you just want to make it look good for everyone like someone told you to do ??

missionary style is very very personal when you know or want to get to know someone as well as remember them….. it was my intention, what was yours ??

I like missionary because I want to see the look on their face to see if I really did make a good first impression compared to the other guys or was I really just a nobody or did it really happen at all or you just passed me by ?? or was it only just to leave something behind ??

If you are following someone else make sure you know who you are following because you will be enjoying or paying the same price they paid where it is they end up ??

I know you wouldn’t let me get on top unless you wanted and asked me to or were only interested in something else other than just me ??

How long does it really really take on top if you were only Interested in something else ??

And you know that’s probably the last time you’ll ever ever get to see that pretty lady’s face because she probably doesn’t ever ever want to see you or your face again…. She nailed you and she got what she came for…..and going to get paid…..

I never made or left a baby anywhere past and present - you know the government would never ever let you walk or get away with something like that…….

Maybe that’s really what first impressions are really all about and if you really wanted someone and really gave them a chance the whole darn time or was it just a lie and or a joke to shame someone - so none of it really ever happened ???

you know the government will always have the last word with a paternity test and you know what follows…………………….

yes yes yes verified and forced payments for child support……. …….hallelujah….hallelujah…..hallelujah and yes everyone will know and can find out….

no I don’t have to pay for someone else’s baby or one that doesn’t even exist…. I can hold my own…. and no I still don’t pay any child support at all at all at all….

and no I don’t know what I can handle or hold ?? that’s really not what I really came for because I’m not like everyone else…..

Does anyone really know what they can handle until they have tried ?? or has someone already prejudged you ?? or have you already been labeled ??

do looks really matter when it comes to that, no the price is still the same whether you look very very darn good or just a plain jane but it’s only based on your income or maybe who you are or what you are worth if anything ???????

someone is just trying to get you to play a part in their very own movie and not your own….and you can always say no thanks and just walk away with what you want not what they wanted you to have which may be just leftovers but look very very eye catching….

so the question always is - do you want to be happy or do you want to live your life only to make someone else happy and you look good for everyone as a result ??

it’s your life and the only one you were given….

When someone gives you a new identity - it only means you will be on the run for the rest of your new new life….because when someone from your past recognizes you - it’s over again….

How many new lives do you actually get ??

Gotta do it right the very very very first time……and never never never have have to end up running or denying who you are or were….even if have a name or reputation……

that stunning gorgeous pretty lady wasn’t worth all of this pain and suffering and running the whole darn time was she ??

she has probably just moved on to the next guy and the next…. that’s probably the only thing she ever does….and always gets handsomely rewarded….

so if a pretty smiling lady meets you and leaves you very quickly and never returns your calls you probably know why….. especially if she sends or gives you your note or things back….it’s pretty obvious….

Just keep walking away, you’ll live…. I promise you….

they say there really really really is someone for everyone so never ever have to settle for what someone gives you or leftovers from a party…..

Just keep walking….. someone may actually find you and hide you away forever…..

Most of my life I’ve been labeled as gay, faggot, trans, queer, ugly, unwanted, outcast, etc. and so forth and carry an

invisible woman’s purse for everyone to see. All you have to do is mention my name or show my picture and

everyone knew who i was - oh !! That’s that guy !! - I’m probably pretty famous by now - the one that took the

shame and all the crap and still refused to impregnate anyone and pay their precious child support and be led

by a woman by dog collar or collar and chain especially a black woman who will put you down no matter who

you are - I wouldn’t play their game and be black. Even my fellow Nigerian’s disowned and ridiculed me

saying that I didn’t identify as one of their kind. I was basically a nobody or trash and didn’t mind being that

way as opposed to yielding…. I already have one dog collar on me and more would be company….hahahaha

besides they need someone to make an example of…. A willing scapegoat or fall guy is hard to find in these

times…. The show must go on people !!!! Show us your tickets at the door……

So I understand very well if you don’t like my way of life and don’t think I have anything to offer - I don’t blame

you one

bit and wouldn’t ever ever present that choice to you either … so I’m just basically enjoying myself here,

nothing wrong with a little humor and fake chase when you already know what the future is…..

believe me, I’m not here to cramp your style….just to live and learn a little….even though I may not accept….

nobody will teach me so this is how I learn…. Otherwise they want me to beg beg beg for sex like an animal….

….For those of you wondering - no I eat at the “Y” but use my fingers instead or just laying hands on so to speak…

sorry about that but maybe if you try it you might like it…. orgasm yes…. some call it the - lightning-…..

no kids sorry, I’m kinda beyond that now unless you twist an arm that I really don’t have…hahah….

I guess I always fantasized about female swingers who are a couple and exclusive….you only live once you know…

guess I’m a little verse in the lifestyle and know just enough to be dangerous….you tell me ??

I'm guess i'm just a regular guy who hasn't really seen the world except from the front of a computer screen...

I explore reiki with my hands as well as using it to stimulate instead of oral......Started out as research....I am a Reiki Master......

….yes I have a few health problems and a older mature granny is the best that I can do….

I was introduced to swingers and the swinging lifestyle back in the early to late 90's after surfing the internet of course and have only conversed with a couple of them in my time. That's my extent of culture and a diverse group of people other than traveling to a couple of states in the USA.

For the most part, I'm actually rebuilding both my life and credit after a bankruptcy. So it'll be many years down the road before my life is back together again

Life here in the USA is all about credit or money... things that i don't have any of right now but maybe one day i

could actually have a life and fit in like everybody else....

in my whole life I never knew what luck or a 2nd chance was even if it hit me right in the face, and yes I lived a very sheltered life….

and still considered to do so, so I still keep doing the same darn thing and same mistakes as you call them….

nothing else to do what common sense and logic tells me….as I observe in everyday life….thats all I’ve ever known

from those who actually made it or made it to the top….or still alive at least….

A very very sheltered life indeed, I remember raiding the local garbage dumpster scavenging for electronics discarded by our

seemingly rich or well to do neighborhoods - yes our toys came from there and mine still come from almost the same place

today….. discount places and bargain basements…. They said we were rich but actually grew up very poor or like the poor….

current pic

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