Bitcoins Experience

----- B I T C O I N S -- E X P E R I E N C E --

Yes I dabble in bitcoins and ethereum as such for the last 10 to 15 years at least if not longer . I started out with the all-in-one bitcoin services like a drive-thru that provides everything for you and of course you pay a price for the services. They have a bullseye on you pretty much and you do tend to get hacked from time to time, just like fresh fish... or meat...easy targets....

Every now and then someone would approach you for a business venture and yes I've been taken at least once maybe twice for quite a bit of doe, even just help someone on a dating site and they wanted you to pay in "bitcoins" ... so be wary of requests to pay in "bitcoins" no no more ventures....

Bitcoins transactions usually can't be traced or investigated if someone robs you blind.... or you may not even be aware until it has already happened and you are flat broke....

Yes, a high demand for bitcoin knowledge and money as well. You see it on tv from time to time, these people that get caught using bitcoins the wrong way yep, yep you still have to report what you make.

It's a learning experience and yes it's like having another bank account just for bitcoin saving and transactions. I eventually branched out and left the all-in-one drive-thru service and got my own separate thing which you can do and life has been great without all the hidden fees and money they make off of you newbie's lack of knowledge.

I had started mining bitcoins and it was pretty Lucrative at times and unregulated earlier on but after a while everyone had to report in to big boys and you know who they are.... yep, you have to pay taxes on your earnings now or not too long ago too just like those new banking apps where you transfer funds back and forth.

The big boys count some of transactions as income believe it or not, even if you are just helping someone out in a time of need. They are all electronic transactions, can't hide them... Somebody sees them.... Even your bitcoin accounts.... all of them....

Bitcoins is not cash or credit, and cash or credit is not bitcoins so don't confuse them. Bitcoins are bitcoins, cash is cash, and credit is credit - none of that has ever changed not that I know of....even today.... You just interchange them like foreign money, they are just recognized foreign or Internet or digital currency.

Only few people accept bitcoins today so you still have to convert them to the dollar in order to use them just like any other type of currency. Yep, I've both made and lost money in bitcoin like anyone else but it's still an experience that many don't have since I have my own thing now as they call it and not using the all-in-one service that I started out with.

I almost cried when I saw the fees when going to transfer my bitcoins funds out - they didn't want you to go..... even for just a few bitcoins, you almost had nothing left at the end of the transfer but I left anyway.

The mining has its ups and downs and completely collapsed about a year or two ago but I still monitor it just like the stock market to see how things are going.....Yep, just like the stock market.... Gotta know how to understand it just like reading an electronic or building blueprint or drawing.....

Like they say, nature always finds a way to fix itself when something goes wrong or somebody screws something up.... when you just don't know how to do something, you find another way..... always another way to learn or do something....

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