VMware Esxi 6, 7, and 8. - no network adapter found -
solution or fix found
I've been running VMware Esxi 6.7 for several years
now after installing it with - Cisco
Call manager (VMware) session management ver on
my Synology NAS with Dsm 7 -
- which means I can run almost the latest version of
"Windows" and "Mac OS X" on my Synology NAS
real VMware software -
With No - network adapter not found - error message
Since I watched and observed the Cisco software go
thru and detect missing drivers and installing them
before actually checking the VMware to see if it is
compatible to be installed and then installing it as
well -
The Cisco software is:
Cisco "call manager" (VMware) session management
with many versions starting as far back as 6 that I
know of -
Since I now have VMware Esxi 8 I need a higher release
or upgrade of the Cisco software which is as high as
version 12 now in order to install my
new VMware -
I found a link listing all of the available Cisco
(VMware) software available from the oldest to the
newest versions as far as I could see from the main
page but in the "Downloads" section there were
and pages of downloads but I didn't see the exact
one(s) to choose from for my particular situation yet -
since it end up being "trial and error" like before -
I'm still working on it as time permits and will probably
find a fix for my solution soon for the new error
message - no network adapter found - when I try to
install VMware without the Cisco software - from the
newest version 8 as far back as VMware Esxi 7 which i
tried as well and probably including my 6.7 without
the support software -
Some or most repairs of the BOD are automatic if the
Virtual machine platform senses it otherwise you have
to Perform a manual repair -
Mac OSX uses continuous Time Machine backups but
requires a completely separate harddrive or the same
size or larger so this is a pain but Mac Users swear by
A complete running backup of your machine is being
saved as you use it or on various instances and you
can recover files but this is not full proof or very smart
at all considering the Work required to set it up - as
well as not always accessible - And you can't use it
with different Mac OS X versions so it is almost
Useless at times.
On most virtual machines you can save SNAPSHOTS of
your Running virtual machine for as many times as you
day or hour as you wish. 4 to 7 times a day is good and
system And your platform will tell you the size of those
SNAPSHOTS so you can make few or more of them.
Just tell the platform to restore from SNAPSHOTS of a
particular day and time and watch the magic.
Parallels software uses this method as a default but
only if you Know It is there and turn it on and
customize yourself.
- SHADOW BACKUP - a modified windows restore that
actually works
Some NAS boxes have this option to create a backup
of A certain instance of your virtual machine and in the
case Of a Synology NAS - it uses a software called
activebackup Which has to be installed on every
machine you want to Backup and it is programmable as
much as you would like.
So you can use it to perform volume installs or cloning.
Backups are stored by certain dates and times and so
you Can restore what it shows you is available.
This is the basics but there are other images and files
to be Created to make this process possible.
I probably have maybe 20 or so backups give or take of
mine And customer machines since backups can be
done both locally or remotely. With separate remote
access software you can login and setup the necessary
files on the remote machine and start any backup at
will from the Synology NAS.
I found a few glitches from experience but most of the
time this works flawlessly. Some glitches are system
related and There are workarounds or options.
There are known instances where the backups just
won't run because of system issues and I have found
solutions And these could be considered trade secrets
since the company that created your NAS box may not
even know.
There are those instances when the software is
corrupted and won't run and it actually tells to reinstall
it and it usually fixes the problem.
I've used this for years thru OS upgrades and installs in
case I just want a copy of a new running install or
upgrade for testing and Can revert back to a previous
running stable OS later and some machines backup
every day, other day, 2 times a week, specific days or
times, anything you want.
There is a complete backup of the machine on the
server that you can Browse thru with a file explorer in
case you are just looking for a specific file if your
machine is damaged and You can't restore the backup.
There are ways to install the backup on a totally
different Machine in case you are upgrading or had a
hardware failure But it takes a little tweaking and you
might get a few BOD till you get it exactly right.
A note - a specific special image must be created for
every Machine in addition to the files and images, and
this is what Allows you to restore on A completely
different machine and allows you to change network
drivers to accommodate the New or different machine
otherwise the restore won't work So this takes some
networking experience and tweaking.
No restore is possible without this file and since it is
also a ISO file you can put it on a flash drive and boot
another machine with it. It is totally bootable in case
your Machine crashes completely, just plug in and
reload just like Reloading Windows or a Mac or
anything else except the restore is done thru your local
network or thru the Internet Depending on your
So yes you can reload anyone's computer remotely as
well from your server just like the popular computer
backup Software solutions that are available.
There is a built in gui that allows you to change or
customize this restore Procedure or process.
This option is free.
This option is available on the Synology NAS but it is a
paid Option to restore only.
Creating and saving the actual SNAPSHOTS is free
And you can save a SNAPSHOT of every folder on your
Synology NAS as a backup also.
Restoring SNAPSHOTS is a paid feature but at least
you can save the SNAPSHOTS for free - for any of your
virtual machines -