Reiki and Spiritual Stuff


!! REIKI is supposedly the means by which “JESUS CHRIST” used to perform his miracles !!


Yes, I’m actually an Alien Abductee and have been my entire life and

and I finally know why I don’t talk like everyone else cause I’m not

like anyone else….and yes it’s been quite a long journey….and no regrets

still unlike most people like me and you would know why if you

were in my shoes or my situation…… been missing my entire life basically - some of it is there but the rest is totally just missing….. people there tell me I was this and that and I just have to take their word for it… and just go on…. bits and pieces are familiar and faces come back but that’s really just about it - I was just missing a few things here and there….going all thru life missing this and that and people think you are something or someone else till you are finally complete but you had to hide the whole darn time or you would be discovered or were already… Your whole life they try hard to convince you were something you weren’t and Now you totally understood why - you ended up learning from your abduction….

Pre-Reiki Personal Spiritual Experience

The Teachings of Bruno Groieng - Circle of Friends

Usui Reiki Level 1 Certificate

Usui Reiki Level 2 Certificate

Usui Reiki Master Certificate

Shamballa Reiki Level 2 Certificate

Shamballa Reiki Level 3 Certificate

Shamballa Reiki Master Certificate

Tummo Reiki Level 1 Certificate

Tummo Reiki Level 2 Certificate

Tummo Reiki Level 3A Master Certificate

Direct Lineage of Master

History of Reiki

Explaination of Reiki

Reiki Sayings

Reiki Related Poem


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